Children's Ministries
All other Sundays classes offered during the
9:00 AM and 10:30 AM services
Infants & Toddlers
Ages Birth-36 months
Room M201
Preschool & Kindergarten
Room M104
Grades 1-5
Room M106
Every Sunday morning our faithful volunteers provide a fun, Bible based class experience for kids from birth through fifth grade where they can learn about Jesus and connect with each other.
Our volunteers are the heartbeat of our ministry. Every volunteer who leads in the Kids Ministry has completed a background check and is committed to helping the kids grow in their Christian Faith while building relationships with each other.
Children's Church on First Sundays
On the first Sunday of each month children ages PK3 and older will begin in church with their families. Partway through the service they will be excused to attend to attend Children's Church in M107. This is a fun time for the students to worship all together! The infant/toddler room will be open like normal in M201.
Connected by Faith Nights!
Second Wednesday of the month.
4:30-5:30 PM | Fireside Room
Come explore the bible theme from Sunday School in fun and creative ways! We will create together, have a short worship time, and then join in on the Connect Dinner. Come see what the kids have been learning and engage with bible truths in new ways. All are welcome!!
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 19
10:00 AM-11:00 AM | Church Lawn
We will begin with Easter activities, followed by a search for colorful eggs hidden throughout the church grounds. Registration will be posted in March! This even will be held rain or shine! We hope to see you there!
Megan Ettlinger
Director of Children's Ministries