Women's Ministries

Diane Galloway

Director of Caring Ministries | 860.529.1575 x117

Women’s Ministries meets regularly to plan activities and programs for the coming year. We hope that women of all ages—single or married—will take advantage of the opportunities we are offering this year for Bible study, fellowship, support and good, old-fashioned fun.

We welcome every woman’s input. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us.

A Book & A Mug

A Book and a Mug , will begin a new cohort starting on Wednesday, February 5th from 10:30-11:45 AM in the Church Parlor. All women are invited to join this twelve-week study on Gary Inrig's book The Parables~Understanding What Jesus Meant. Jesus' purpose in teaching the parables was to challenge and impress on his followers the need to change their mindset about how they related to God and others.

The cost id $10 for the book. To register and for more information, please email Diane Galloway at care@firstchurch.org.

Mastering Motherhood

Mastering Motherhood is an amazing community of mamas that meets every Thursday, 12 weeks in the Fall and 14 weeks in the Spring, from 9:15 AM-11:30 AM in Keith Jones Hall. We provide free childcare, a scrumptious meal, gift giveaways, amazing speakers, engaging table talk discussions, and small book groups. The book groups are comprised of different parenting and women related book studies, ranging from managing anger, marriage, toddlers or teens, discipline, technology, empty nesting, self-improvement, and so many more for your choosing.

Our Spring semester begins on January 30th!

Click HERE to register!

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Are you interested in connecting with other women

and being involved in an outreach ministry?

Regardless of your level of experience as a knitter or crocheter, we would love for you to join us!

Over the years, members of our congregation and staff have distributed over 200 shawls in the greater Hartford area and beyond, providing comfort to those coping with health and grief hardships. In addition to prayer shawls, baby blankets are also made and distributed to celebrate the gift of a new life.

Beyond the sound of needles, the Prayer Shawl Ministry is a wonderful time of sharing and growing together with other women at First Church.

We meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 6:30-7:30 PM in the Morgan House Cafe. For more information, contact Elaine St. Onge at 860-529-7821.

When Women Pray

The one prayer Christ calls us all to pray requires us to let go of our momentary agendas and take up his eternal one. It requires us to surrender our disoriented sense of need to his perfect sense of what is best. We wait with expectant hearts to see When Women Pray. 

All are welcome to join in this prayer time.

We meet In-Person in the Prayer Room on Monday Mornings at 8:30 AM.

For more information, please contact Diane Galloway at 860.529.1575 ext. 117.

Diane Galloway, Director of Caring & Women's Ministries