Join us for our Lenten & Easter Services

on Sunday, April 20th!

Midweek Lenten Services

All Lenten services take place at 6:30 PM in the Meetinghouse

Ash Wednesday, March 5th

Wednesday, March 12th

Wednesday, March 19th

Wednesday. March 26th

Wednesday, April 2nd

Wednesday, April 9th

Holy Week Services

All Holy Week services take place in the Meetinghouse

Maundy Thursday, 6:30 PM

Good Friday, 2:00 PM

Easter Morning Services

Sunrise Service will take place in the cemetery

Both the contemporary and traditional cervices will take place in the Meetinghouse

*Easter Breakfast will be served at 7:30 AM in Keith Jones Hall

Sunrise Service, 6:30 AM Contemporary Service, 9:00 AM

Traditional Service, 10:30 AM