We have two areas of service. The first is that of nurturing through worship. Every Sunday, the music at both traditional and Wind services represent the very best gifts we can offer. This area of our ministry works in tandem with the preaching ministers each Sunday, through the singing of hymns and anthems in the Meetinghouse and of praise choruses in the Wind service that reinforce the power of the spoken Word.
The second area is that of outreach to the community. With capacity audiences at our Meetinghouse Concert Series, our music ministry provides an important bridge between our church and the community of Wethersfield and surrounding areas. Concerts are a natural conduit to invite guests into our church to share the gifts of our music ministry, and all that First Church has to offer. The beauty of Christmas Eve and the splendor of Easter, well saturated with the Word and with music, are worship experiences not to be missed!
CLICK HERE to see all upcoming music concerts/events!
We have a job opening for a section leader! If you are interested, please click HERE