"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 

1 Peter 4:10



Whether you are an advanced player/singer, or a beginner looking to learn how to play with a worship team, the contemporary worship team is for you!
We rehearse every Thursday evening from
7:30 PM-9:30 PM, and sing Sunday mornings beginning at 9:00 AM. All are welcome to visit our practices!

If you are interested in joining our Contemporary Worship Team, please contact Nathan Scalise at Nathan.Scalise@gmail.com for more information


Do you enjoy singing? Know the basics of music-reading? Our First Church Choir welcomes new members-no audition necessary. In fact, come to a rehearsal and audition us, and see how you like singing with our friendly and supportive choir family. We are just beginning to rehearse Christmas music you will love.

Call Sean McCarthy at (203) 219-8222 or email seanm@firstchurch.org for more information.


Do you have an interest and background in tech? The AV team might be the perfect fit for you! We are mainly responsible for the

10:30 AM Contemporary Service and use a rotating schedule to determine what two people will be serving each week.

AV Jobs include controlling the slides, running the livestream, and sometimes utilizing the soundboard if needed.

If you are interested, please contact Brian Murray at murraycoding@gmail.com for more information.



Do you love young children? Childcare volunteers are needed for our Mastering Motherhood program. Help young mamas get a much-needed break by looking after their kids on one or more Thursday mornings per month (8:45-11:45 AM.) 

Substitutes are especially needed.

For more information, or to volunteer, please contact Laurie Hart at (860) 324-8063 or Lauriejhart38@gmail.com.



Do you love working with kids? Are you interested in building up the next generation at First Church? We are always looking for volunteers to help with child care during our Sunday morning services.

Currently, we are in need of preschool teachers once a month at either 9:00 AM or 10:30 AM.

To volunteer, contact Vicki Huffman at children@firstchurch.org.


Do you enjoy hospitality and making coffee?

We are always looking for volunteers for our coffee bar! If you are interesting in volunteering, please contact Diane Galloway at care@firstchurch.org.